
AWS Well Architected Review – AWS’s co-financed path to well-designed cloud infrastructure.

The AWS Well-Architected Framework: What Is It?
It’s a methodical strategy developed by AWS that offers a collection of best practices, guiding concepts, and tactics for developing and managing cloud computing. The framework enables architects to design the most advanced infrastructures that are safe, effective, and economical. Along with other things, it offers a variety of recommendations on how to assess proposed solutions. The AWS Well-Architected Framework’s guiding principles all work together to build infrastructures that can adapt quickly to changing customer demands. This translates into the capacity to scale resources, among other things.

AWS Well-Architected Pillars
AWS claims that a well-designed infrastructure is built around the following 6 pillars:

  • operational excellence is the capacity to manage systems, keep an eye on them, and continuously enhance how well the organization supports its processes and procedures,
  • security – enhanced security of data, systems, and resources: proactive team of professionals doing quick and accurate expert assessments and putting corrective and preventive measures into place,
  • reliability – in the event of infrastructure or service failure, the system should be able to recover resources. Additionally, in order to satisfy demand and minimize disruptions caused by issues with networks or configurations, the infrastructure must offer dynamic purchase of computer resources,
  • operational efficiency – emphasizes the effective use of resources. Given that corporate requirements are continuously changing, key concerns include monitoring performance and making educated decisions in order to maintain a high degree of efficiency.
  • cost optimization – effective control over the cloud computing cost sphere. This can be done, for instance, by implementing cost models based on resource use, monitoring overall performance, or giving up on solutions that provide little value.
  • sustainability – balancing the needs of economic efficiency with societal expectations and environmental considerations in the development of the firm.


AWS Well-Architected Review
Regular reviews must be conducted to ensure the long-term effects and benefits of AWS. The goal of an infrastructure review is to locate potential improvement opportunities. It enables you to gather vital information, get measurements, and implement recommendations for your infrastructure depending on the commercial and technical operations of your firm. Utilizing the AWS Well-Architected Tool and according to AWS policies and our specialists’ knowledge, the review is implemented.

The study enables comparison of the client’s infrastructure with recommended architectural standards for creating cloud-based solutions. In a thorough report, the findings of the infrastructure survey are provided.
The report identifies areas that need development in relation to the pillars and assigns a “high” or “medium” level of significance. The research also offers comprehensive suggestions for improving the existing infrastructure’s security, effectiveness, and affordability. The solution architect doing the evaluation will present and discuss the assembled report with the customer during a dedicated meeting, along with specific recommendations and identification of sources in AWS. The decision to adopt the advice is always at the client’s discretion because it ultimately depends on the cloud computing environment in the customer’s organization.

AWS Well-Architected Review Implementation Steps

  1. The first client interview conducted by the solutions architect.
  2. Obtain the required environments’ access.
  3. An accurate description of AWS Well-Architected.
  4. A thorough interview with the client by the solutions architect.
  5. Providing a report that is AWS Well-Architectured.
  6. An examination of the report.
  7. The discussion of suggestions.
  8. Create a plan for putting the advice into practice.


What do you get from AWS Well-Architected?

  • increased safety – adherence to the highest exacting standards,
  • infrastructure reliability – the capacity to restore resources following system breakdowns and disruptions,
  • time savings – quicker adoption of new, better solutions,
  • process optimization – the application of enhancements supplied by AWS professionals,
  • cost reduction – 80% of the energy used may be saved,
  • countering hacking attacks – avoiding potential threats from technology before they arise.


Get an AWS grant!
LCloud Guru has been granted permission to carry out infrastructure reviews under the AWS Well Architected Review program. Cloud clients can therefore submit an application for a 10% ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) which refers to the review and implementation of recommendations to a Partner taking part in the program. The maximum prize is 100.000$. To be eligible for this grant, you must comply with the program’s requirements, which include carrying out suggestions made following an evaluation by LCloud Guru experts to advance the customer’s cloud computing. The three stages we have listed below can be used to complete the grant application process.

In conclusion, the AWS Well-Architected Framework aids in the evaluation of your current or future cloud computing architecture. For each of the aforementioned pillars, it offers a set of AWS best practices, enabling you to build reliable, effective systems and infrastructures while minimizing costs.

To learn more about the grant, send us an email at contact@lcloud.guru

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