
We have achieved AWS DevOps Competency

We are happy to report that we have achieved AWS DevOps Competency, which is official evidence from AWS that the cloud-based DevOps services we offer fully complies with this area’s Amazon Web Services requirements.

The certificate serves as a guarantee of our team’s expertise and competency as well as the adherence of organizational policies and practices to DevOps best practices as recommended by AWS.

The AWS DevOps Competency designation attests to the high value and quality our clients receive in CI/CD automation projects, microservices, IaC, configuration management, policies as code, monitoring and support, and serveless services.

Scalable, adaptable, and affordable solutions are possible thanks to AWS. AWS has launched the AWS Competency Program to assist clients in identifying APN Consulting and Technology Partners with deep industry experience and understanding, supporting the seamless integration and implementation of these solutions.

Since 2012, LCloud Guru has been an Amazon Web Services consulting partner. In the following two years, our company joined the AWS Immersion Days program, where it shares its expertise in the field of cloud computing by offering specialized training and workshops, and the AWS Well Architected programs, where it helps clients identify areas for optimization in the cloud infrastructure and supports their implementation. Our company obtained Advanced status in the following four years.

We urge you to become acquainted with our leading DevOps projects, which we implemented:

  • Case Study: The Guardian
  • Tallyfy Case study


We are available to you if you need assistance with designing, implementing, and sustaining DevOps services. Visit https://lcloud.guru/devops/ and send an email to contact@lcloud.guru to learn more.

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